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Decalepis Absolute (Vanilla root)

Decalepis Hamiltonii (ಮಾಗಳಿ) is actually a vine in the Dogbane family (Apocynaceae) - a set which remarkably also contains Periwinkles and Plumeria. It also has an incredibly rich history of use as a medicinal plant in Ayurvedic practices, a use that has been partially validated by studies showing its antioxidant and chemoprotective effects in vivo. 


The roots of this perennial are chunky, with mature plants producing 15-20kg of rootstock. These tubers are first harvested, washed, and chopped, before being processed into an absolute. 


So how does it smell? The first thing to mention is that it is very strong: some of you will have received 1% dilutions of this absolute, which still manages to have a kick to it.

Decalepis is unmistakeably vanillic, but also...definitely not vanilla abs. Rather than come up with a proper description, I'll put some interesting descriptions given to me by those who have sampled it!


"Like a cupcake tree"

"Gosh...It reminds me of ultravanil and creosol, but thicker and more natural."

"To me it smells like a Vanilla Bourbon tincture had a baby with a Vetiver EO :)



Decalepis Hamiltonii is extraordinarily high in a molecule called 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde, which is an isomer of vanillin. Rather than having an -OH group in the 4th position and a Methoxy just before that as in the case of  good 'ol Vanillin, the phytocompound in Decalepis has those same funtional groups but in different positions (2 and 4). This apparently small change has a remarkable effect on the odour of the molecule, pulling it away from powdery sweetness towards an earthy, woody vanilla. Beyond this primary component, the named absolute also contains phenylethyl alcohol, anisaldehyde, vanillin and traces of other powerful molecules. 


Conservation statement!
I was initially wary of stocking Decalepis abs due to its UN threatened species status - trading in endangered species is a bit 1860s for my liking.  However, turns out that this decalepis root is sourced from cultivated plants, farmed specifically for harvesting and with a sustainability programme of replanting. This, paradoxically, eases pressure on wild populations susceptible to poaching.


Decalepis Absolute (Vanilla root)

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