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Damascenone PURE (937450)

Attention! We have a new tool in the fight against impending IFRA restrictions on our beloved Rose ketones....


So, this is DAMASCENONE 937450 by Firmenich. They also sell another one which is far more commonly encountered at hobby shops, called "Damascenone Total"


Compared to the Total, which is less pure in terms of favourable isomer ratio, this one is the most powerful and lovely rose ketone available, and you get more "bang for your buck" in terms of IFRA.


Why? With the 'total' type, it's basically a solution of this powerful damascenone mixed in with less powerful and even non-odorous isomers (you may have heard the same with Hedione and Iso E Super commercial availabilities)


The crux, though, is that these isomers still count towards your total Rose Ketone limit 😱

So by using this variety, the same % actually goes a lot further.


Beyond the maths, this 937450 version is also a lot cleaner, marginally more honeyed, and just...I'd take a bath in it if I could.


Because I parted with quite a bit of this for (shamefully) the price of a small car, I'm going to sell this one at a significant reduction initially, especially the larger sizes like 30ml. It's currently the cheapest price on the internet to my knowledge, so get it while you can!


I'll also be putting a layer of 99.998% Argon in each bottle to keep things extra fresh.

Damascenone PURE (937450)

£20.00 Regular Price
£18.00Sale Price

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